Intrapreneurship and Innovation

let ideas become reality
Intrapreneurship and Innovation

Martin Schneider

Intrapreneur, Innovator & Investor

In large companies, ideas often encounter political, hierarchical, and structural boundaries. Although an entrepreneurial spirit is demanded, living and implementing it requires experience and, above all, perseverance. With over 10 years of experience in global corporations, I encourage companies to pursue the path of innovation and show them the way there.

Whether it's a congress, seminar, customer event, or employee event, if you are ready for change and would like to initiate it in your company or with your clients, feel free to check out my presentations in the areas of intrapreneurship, risks & opportunities, and pilot projects. If you have specific topics or requirements, please feel free to contact me directly.

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Intrapreneurship – Be the Change

In large corporations, ideas often encounter political, hierarchical, and structural barriers. While an entrepreneurial spirit is demanded, living and implementing it requires experience and, above all, perseverance. With over 10 years of experience in global corporations, I encourage companies to embark on the path of intrapreneurship and guide them along the way. Transformation, especially in sales, requires a rethink in today's world. Change is happening; accept it or become the change yourself.

This presentation focuses on change and the importance of creating conditions for intrapreneurship within your own company. It addresses the difference between motivation and drive and how you can set the stage for change.

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Risks and Opportunities of a Digital World

From Einstein comes the well-known quote: 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.' If we aim for transformation and progress in the company, then we cannot avoid certain risks. But what happens when we constantly avoid risks? We lose the ability to judge risks and create a corporate culture that is not geared towards change. As long as day-to-day operations are functioning, this is unproblematic. However, once the company needs to rethink or reposition itself, this becomes a real risk, especially given the changes in the market due to the influence of digitalization.

This presentation addresses the balance between risk and opportunities in a digital world, as well as the ability to recognize, assess, reduce, and control real risks and their consequences within the company.

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Pilot & MVP

What defines a pilot project and what doesn't? How do I enable my company to undergo transformation? Often, large and resource-intensive transformation projects are initiated, which can almost paralyze a company. This is often the reason for the delay of urgently needed transformations, as they can come with unpopular consequences such as increasing requirements during implementation, missing deadlines, blocked resources, and exhausted budgets. However, transformation can also be approached differently! Pilot projects can be the solution for a gradual, secure, and continuous transformation of companies.

In this presentation, you will gain insights into an efficient approach to transformation through pilot projects. You will learn what really matters in the famous 'Minimum Viable Product' and why this is not just about IT and digitalization. Additionally, you will discover how pilot projects and the possibility of saying 'no' can increase innovation in your company.

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